Saturday, September 5, 2009

Texting & Twitter

I think that texting is the modern technology about which I feel most out of the loop. Truthfully, I'm just not a chatter, so don't feel much need to text. The "older people" (ie: my age or older) I know who text usually start as a way to communicate with their teenagers. Since my son is only 9, I haven't felt that need yet. Maybe when he starts middle school?

Twitter, of course, seems like texting writ large, with people needing to broadcast what they're doing moment to moment. This too is something I can't imagine needing to do myself or wanting to read others do, but who knows? The Washington Post's John Kelly had a good column about just this on Thursday:

Okay, now that I'm feeling a bit like Andy Rooney, I think I'll sign off. Enough blogging for one day!

Flickr Maps

Okay, this one was hard to figure out, and I'm still not sure that it's going to show up right, but here goes. A flickr map of my favorite place, with photo inset:

Twibrarian circa 1973

Future Librarian
Originally uploaded by poiuy99

I'm exploring Flickr today, and decided to upload this photo of myself just for a laugh. From what I've read so far, I can't really see a use for Flickr in my work, but MCPL does have its library photos on their website using Flickr. Here's a link to the ones of my library:

Perhaps after exploring some more I will see a library-related use for Flickr!